Monday, April 04, 2005


I get a lot of pleasure out of cooking breakfast for my family.

Its not a big effort. There's just the three of us, and we like the same things, pretty much. Just this morning, I made sausage and French toast (wonder what they call that in Paris?), with plain coffee. Sometimes it will be sausage and waffles, or there will be Ghiradelli coffee. I've also made very plain breakfasts, such as cereal or English muffins (which I now know can be found with that name on English menus, though whether it's there to appease the tourists, I don't know), and when I do that, its still good, but not quite as satisfying. Still, I like it. We all do.

A little of that is because food helps us get started -- we talk to each other in the context of eating -- can I have the syrup? do you want that last piece of sausage? Coffee taste okay to you? -- and that naturally segues into talking about the day. This morning we talked about a Girl Scout meeting where they were discussing the proper way to fold the flag, and I was hot into doing an impromptu song about that topic, bouncing around in my seat and drumming on the table, when my daughter smiled, got up, and gently placed her hand over my mouth. And that was fun, too -- we were teasing, which we like to do.

It's cool.

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