Monday, October 07, 2013

Monday Blah

Kind of a grey day here, and not even 50 shades, either.  Went for a walk, got some gas, listened to a little bit of french, read a little.  I think I'm dreading seeing the mento this afternoon. Well, not so much seeing him as seeing that, once again, he's failed to do homework, projects, all of that.

Maybe I'll bake something.


Unknown said...

Ask him why he wants you to mentor him.

I think you will find that he feels that he HAS to be there, and there is a push back. This is normal. It is the "I have to get out of the house and on my own" urge.

Him recognizing it might help.

Cerulean Bill said...

It wasn't his idea to start, but when I've asked him on occasion if he'd like me to stop, he looks a bit panicky, and denies it. I'm pretty sure that he likes having me there, even if he doesn't necessarily like that it means focusing on homework and projects. Yesterday I urged him to finish a piece of homework while I sat with him, and he did. By himself, I might add. For him, this is an achievement. Of course, its possible that he does want to stop, but dreads the thought of explaining this to his mother. And its certainly true that at 14, he's got to be feeling somewhat restless.

Unknown said...

Suggest that it is you or military school.

Seemed to work for Bill and Ted...


Cerulean Bill said...

Unfortunately, George Carlin is dead.