Monday, October 01, 2012


I once had a coworker who had had polio as a child, and who, consequently, lived in a wheel-chair during the day and an iron lung at night. (I didn't even know that iron lungs were still in use.  Or even if they were still called that. ) 

His motorized wheel chair had two batteries -- one to power the chair, one to power a breather apparatus.  One day, a coworker came back in from the parking lot and said he was calling AAA because his car battery was dead.  I suggested that my other friend motor on out and use one of his batteries to start the second guy's car.  He would of course, have to either immobilize his chair or 'frog-breathe' while this was going on. The second guy was aghast, but the guy in the chair thought it was pretty funny.

The chair had two speeds.  We called the second 'turbo', but it really wasn't all that fast.  We wanted him to buy a Saab wheelchair, which he said would  go faster.  Not as fast as we wanted, though - we thought he should have a chair that, when he hit turbo, would rock back and have flame shoot out the rear.  Now that, we thought, would be cool.

But that was before I saw these.  In particular, the Boss Hoss.

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