Thursday, January 12, 2012


I am in a relatively good mood.

After two days of doing a lot of sleeping -- think 'about ten hours each night' -- I now feel awake again.

My kludgy Visual Basic macro works (I was all set to call them yesterday afternood and say it was done till I noticed that some numbers on each page that ought to be different, were the same -- argh!); the trick was to define the array with a ReDim rather than a Dim, and then just Erase it at the end each loop -- not terrifically elegant, but heck, it works.

I'm reading The Sherlockian, which is not at all bad, and a new chapter of a science fiction series that I thought had ended -- this is the first in about three years. It's not bad.

French is going well. My instructor says I'm up to about 75% accuracy, syntactically, when I speak. I do have to do it slowly, but still, this is goodness. Even if I did find out yesterday that I've been saying the suffixes for the imperfect tense wrong. Got to work on that.

On the other side, I have a dental appointment; its just a cleaning, but I always expect that this will be the time they say you know, we really need to replace one or two of your lower teeth. Or maybe all of them. Yeah. I'm hoping not but expecting it.

But all in all, things are good.


genderist said...

I have a cleaning next week that I'm also dreading.

Cerulean Bill said...

Dentists could really use some training in relaxing patients, I think. Of course, since you already know that they're going to come at you with sharp metal objects, that training might have to include rapid-onset anesthesia. Or perhaps gin.