Friday, January 13, 2012

Then A Miracle Occurs

On the way back from school, my daughter and I got into a discussion about the plotline of the current Doctor Who. Neither of us really likes it. We both like the Doctor character (though I still prefer his immediate predecessor). We differ on the style, mostly -- I like the cerebral approach of the prior Doctor, while she likes the cute-and-funny approach of this one. I can live with that.

Neither of us really likes how they're handling the Companions, of late. We both like the Amy and Rory characters, but now we feel as if their time is past. Now they're just the gang, the Doctor's Pals, the people who hang around and have adventures-- Amy's the smart spunky one, and Rory's the not-too-bright steady one. Right. Got it. And then there's the whole River Song evolution, which was problematic, to put it mildly. She's living her life backwards, whatever that means, and she's older than Amy, but she's Amy and Rory's daughter? And she used to be a young black woman who wanted to kill the Doctor but now she's not, and doesn't? And that whole Pandorica thing, where the Doctor is locked into an escape-proof vault but is almost immediately let out by Rory, who was holding dead Amy, but then he was visited by the time-traveling Doctor who said yes, she's dead, but she won't be, gave him his sonic screwdriver so that he could unlock the Pandorica and let him out so that he could go time-travel, and then stick Amy's not-quite-dead body into it so that she could be let out in four thousand years, all regenerated and much better now, thanks, by her younger self, in a universe where all of the stars are gone and what appears to be the Sun is actually the exploding Tardis that's being driven by River, but she's in a time loop? What?

And I won't even go into the Apollo astronaut walking out of the lake in Arizona to kill the Doctor. And he did die. Except, he wasn't, really. Well, yes, he was - but no.

Suspension of disbelief is one thing. These guys are making it up as they go along. Except that I understand that actually its all part of a master script written by the head writer for the series. Yeah, right.

But the conversation was great.

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