Saturday, January 28, 2012


Sitting in the comfortable chair, reading Six Frigates, listening to a piano rendition of The Navy Hymn (no, it's not Anchors Aweigh), and thinking about my mother's living room, and how she left it thinking she was going to another doctor's appointment - and never returned home.


We do intend to redo that room before our guests come this summer. (July! I can hardly wait.) The nature of the redo eludes me. More precisely, sometimes I just think "I want to stick a bed in there" and somethings I think "take everything out, repaint it, put down a good carpet, install comfortable chairs and a decent double bed with a good mattress and pillows, have a small television and a desk with a good lamp. Do it up right." And I think Yeah. Followed by "But we don't usually get visitors at all, let alone families -- do I really want to spend all that money?"

And sometimes "Toss that stuff? But it's my mother's stuff!" Which I know is illogical. But that's never stopped me before.

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