Saturday, December 15, 2007


I'm in kind of a flaky mood today.

I want to write things; I can't be bothered to write. I want to read one of the four books lying around; I can't be bothered to read anything new. I want to bake; I can't be bothered to look up a recipe (yes, even the one for Macaroons, which I want to make. More accurately, want to have made.) And I want to put up Christmas lights know the drill. My brain feels like an engine that just won't start. Open the clutch, give it a little gas...c'mon baby, start, start already, you can do -- C'MON ALREADY, START!!!!



Lone Chatelaine said...

That's me everyday lately.

Flaky. Good word for it.

Cerulean Bill said...

My wife refers to it as 'thirty seconds in the past'. Something happens, you react to it -- but thirty seconds after it happens.

I think of it as a synaptic problem. Most people's brains, they pass signals between the neurons quite nicely. But on days like this one, my neurons have not only moved further apart -- one is currently residing in Poughkeepsie, New York; another, on a west-bound flight to Utah -- but they've set up actual barriers between them, the better to block casual thought. Right now, the only thoughts that tend to get through are things like "HEY, YOUR HAIR IS ON FIRE!!!!', to which my response is....wait, what was the question?