Tuesday, October 19, 2004

When did Mike Become a Liar?

I'm sitting here in front of my Dell Dimension 8100, wondering when Mike Dell became a liar.

Clearly, he did -- or Bill Gates, or both -- because I've seen the ads showing the guy with the Dell just having his eyes blur, the ISP service and the XP switching between apps is so fast, and I'm lucky if it switches in less than five seconds.

Course, it could be Comcast that's lying through their teeth, too, as I got to watch the 'Comcast High Speed Internet' logo for, oh, two minutes while I tried to get into email.

Could just be that oh, they neglected to mention it has to be a completely empty 2.6Ghz machine with, oh, about two terabytes of RAM and, oh yes, absolutely no body else on the line between you and the ISP.

But me, I think its simpler. I think they're lying, singlely and collectively.

Like they care what I think.


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