Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Breathing Deeply

A couple of articles I've seen lately have said that as things go, both political parties are convinced that terrible things will happen to the nation if the other party gets its man into the White House; further, that the other party will absolutely attempt to, if not outright steal, then certainly take advantage of every loophole, backdoor, and side entrance that they can in pursuit of grabbing victory. And I have to admit that while I cannot believe that my party would do that, I have only a little trouble in believing that the other guys most certainly would.

Its when I find myself thinking that, that I realize it's time for a deep breath. Should the wrong person win, the world will not end. If he does (the cowardly sneaking cur), I will take a deep breath and get on with my life (whats left of it, now that he and his crony are firmly in power). And I will try hard not to think 'By god, next time we will steal the damn thing.' I am better than that.

I do hope (in a minor way) that if my candidate wins, that we don't gloat too much. (Because you know that if they win, they'll treat it like a mandate from on high, and they'll be doing conga lina dances down Pennsylvania Avenue). But a little gloating, from the forces of truth and light...surely that would be okay?


Anonymous said...

Very good. I like your style. - Robin (only anonymous because I don't have a blog.)

Cerulean Bill said...

Thank you, Robin. I like your style, too -- you are clearly a person of great discernment. (g)