Saturday, October 06, 2012


This story comes from Not Always Right, and it happens in France.  It could have happened anywhere, I know, and if it had happened to me, I wouldn't have been as pleased as I am now, reading it.  Still, I like it.

(Supermarket | Montpellier, France)
(At the checkout counter, a mother and her son are behind an elderly lady in line. The kid keeps bumping on the elderly lady with their shopping cart.)
Elderly Lady: “Excuse me, young lady, could you please tell your son to stop pushing your cart on me?”
Mother: “No way! You must not upset children! That’s how they get traumatized!”
(The mother indeed does nothing to stop her son. Suddenly, another customer—young man standing in line behind them—takes a jar of jam, opens it, and pours it on the mother’s head.)
Mother: *shocked and dripping with jam* “Are you CRAZY? What the h*** are you doing?”
Young Man: “Listen, lady. You see, I was also raised like this, with no limits. I did everything and whatever I wanted… and I still do!”
(The mother quickly leaves the store with her son, angry and covered with jam. For the record, the elderly lady insisted to pay for the jam.)

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