Saturday, April 19, 2008


An article on the Weary Parent site talks about a school that made up a goodie bag for prom night. Included with the balloons, pictures, and such will be condoms.

I think I approve. I don't like it -- I want my daughter to wait to have sex until, oh, I'm dead -- but I know it does happen. I understand that some folks think that this will encourage sexual activity; it probably will. Further, though that sexual activity will probably be protected, other bouts might not be, and then what? I don't think you can just toss the condoms in the bag and say 'we're done'. You need to communicate it to the parents, and to be prepared for the ones who say that they're outraged.

But overall, a good idea. A queasy-feeling-inducing one, but a good idea.


Cerulean Bill said...

My daughter actively cringes at just the thought of talking about that with me. With my wife, too, probably, but definitely with me.

Lone Chatelaine said...

I may not have kids, but I do have two teenage nieces, and I talked to them about sex just in case my brother and his wife didn't.

They said I was much less embarrassing to talk to than their parents :)

I agree about the condom idea. No use sticking our heads in the sand. And if parents are insistent that their kids don't have sex, then they'd better be talking to them about a whole lot more than just condoms.