Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Business Plans

I was just at a web site that's aimed at people who have (or want to have) a small business. I thought Yeah, thats a nice idea, and abruptly remembered the old joke of the guy who prayed every night to win the lottery, until one day, just as he finished, there was a terrific peal of thunder, a blinding bolt of lightening, and a mighty voice roared from the heavens "Hey, give me a break -- at least buy a ticket !" So, I thought, if I really think that having a business would be a cool idea, perhaps I ought to at least have an idea -- even just fragment of one -- of what such a business would look like, feel like, do.


Okay. Something to do with technology. Something where I can teach. Something where I enjoy myself. Something where I tell people things that perhaps they could have found out for themself, but I package it in a way that adds value to the mix. I don't have to get rich from this; meeting expenses would be a plus.

Okay, where's that thunder?

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