Wednesday, July 02, 2014


So now people are suspected of having explosive devices surgically implanted, undetectable by current means, and headed here through major hubs in Europe. Which means we get to rachet up the level of discomfort and paranoia again. At what point does it stop? When we have assassinated every single person who could be involved in the Middle East's cycle of madness and revenge?  Which, I'm assuming, means just sowing the field for another cycle of it, ten years from now?

I hope there are some smart people thinking about it, because me, other than neutron bomb the whole damn place, pave it, and make it a parking lot for Africa, I'm pretty much out of ideas.


Tabor said...

No easy answers, but perhaps improving education and health care in these countries might work better than bombing them, and it would be cheaper. If we can get the young before the religious zealots we might stand a chance.

Cerulean Bill said...

I know that's true, but try to convince governments -- any government -- of it.

RozWarren said...

I have no answers.

Cerulean Bill said...

I want to believe that game theory can provide answers on dealing with fanatics, but I suspect that's wishful thinking. So long as there are determined fanatics, there will be fierce responses -- and over-responses.