Monday, June 06, 2005

We Will Fight Them On The Beaches...

Someone -- I think it was PJ O'Rourke, but I'm not sure -- observed several years ago that since the wealthy own a vast amount of the shoreline property of the mainland United States, if we're ever attacked by a conventional force, they'd be the primary line of defense.

Having read of the lavish homes of ten to twelve thousand square feet being built on the shorelines of Nantucket, and similar pleasure domes being vigorously defended against plebian access in southern California (My God, Buffy, Those People Don't Even Wear Designer Labels!) , I think that the image of those palaces by the sea being blasted to smithereens a charming one. I'm for just about anything that'd eradicate those symbols of greed and excess. I know that the chances of politicians doing anything about them are slender (Are You Insane? They're Major Political Contributors! ), and the idea of a spontaneous populist uprising to tear down the edifices and replace them with a public greensward to be most unlikely too. Perhaps a seaborne assault force of ex-Greenpeace and Sierra Club members, demolishing them and sowing trees and beaches in their place, would be the ticket. Though the question of insurance bothers me. If somehow the force could arrange so that the mansion's greedy owners couldn't just take the money and run (Oh, sorry, Mr. Bigbux, but look here, the policy explicitly denies payment if attacked by Mongols, and golly if those guys aren't wearing Mongol gear), I think I could really go for the idea.

This isn't a screed against acheivement, and earning what you have, and enjoying the fruits of your labors. It isn't even a screed against your right to be over the top. Its a screed against unrestrained greed.

I know, I know. Greed. Its what makes America great.

Well, almost. Upon reflection, its more like 'its what will make the late, great America'.

Bring on the troops.

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