Sunday, January 26, 2003

This is the first entry. Not sure how many there will be, or how often, or how interesting. It's just a toy to see what thoughts look like when they're let free. My guess is, most will shiver and die in the cold blast of the air outside of my head, but maybe once in a while, one will survive.

I've been reading off and on about what's called 'retainer medicine'. That's where your doctor charges you a given amount per year -- say, US$1500 - so that you can see him or her. You get more time with the doc, and some provide extra services as well. Regular fees still apply. The idea is that the doctor gets to reduce his/her workload overall, and so that more time can be spent on each patient. Critics say it is a way of gouging the public, of taking medical services off the market; fans say its a way of improving the level of service, and keeping the doctor from getting burned out. It sounds like a good deal, unless you're one of the people who now has to shop for another doc, and I suppose I'm in favor of it -- but every article also mentions that the doctor in question also expects to make more money as a result. So, what's driving the change -- health or wealth? Or just a happy coincidence?

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