Monday, August 26, 2013


Ways to make me feel inadequate:  from the blog of someone who's teaching himself Chinese:

Here’s the game plan:
Learn to Read above at intermediate Level
90 minutes / Day
I’m basically illiterate right now. I have a passive ability to recognize many characters that I see on a regular basis. But as many will know, recognizing a character doesn’t mean you that can read a particular text. I think reading is important part of speaking a language well and as a result, it can’t be overlooked. But this will be tough. And since I’ve been depending on pinyin this entire time, I’ll basically be learning characters from scratch.
Listen and Parrot 200 podcasts
2 hours / Day
I’ve done a lot of listening already. But it’s mostly been casual. For example, I’ll listen to a podcast once or twice, pickup what I can and then move onto the next. To improve my ability to listen and speak , I plan on doing 200 intensive listening sessions in the next 60 days. This will entail me listening very closely and then spending as much time as it takes to parrot that particular dialogue. This will hopefully improve my listening skills because of how intensely I’ll be listening. In addition, my pronunciation and intonation should improve through shadowing / parroting. Hopefully :)
Speak, Speak, Speak,  Think, Think, Think
2 hours / day
Using the language before you master the language is still the most important aspect to learning. I’m going to continue speaking to language partners through Skype as much as possible. In addition I will try to record myself speaking about random topics (book reviews, current news, upcoming movies..) whenever I get a chance. Throughout the day, my goal will be to think in the language as much as possible. There’s no real way to measure this, but I still think it’s an important step.
Grammar and Vocabulary
90 minutes per day
Learning new words will always be a priority. 10-20 per day will be the official goal that I set for myself. Learning words isn’t always tricky, but creating mnemonics so I don’t forget them can require a little time.

Holy hell.....

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