Saturday, May 11, 2013

What ho....

There's a decent little restaurant in a town not too far from here, and today we went there for lunch.  Parking, I noticed a small bookstore that I'd seen before but always thought fah, small bookstore, small town, what could they possibly have?  Two books heavier and fifty bucks lighter, I was walking back to the car when my wife pointed out that the town library was just across the street.  Since it's just up the block from a local college, I thought It has potential, let's take a look.... Twenty minutes later, two more books heavier, we returned to the car.

Given that I had the two new books -- not to mention the four or five at home -- I didn't really need the library books, but they spoke to me. Take the first one: seriously,  how can you put down a book that starts with this?

Dear You:  The body you are wearing used to be mine.

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