Sunday, December 02, 2012

Bank Accounts

Several years ago, I read a comment to the effect that anyone who didn't believe guys can be sentimental should see how many dried-up ballpoint pens they refuse to throw away.

Well, today I found out that the checking account which I've had with the credit union for my former company is going to start instituting a monthly fee, starting in January.  As it happens, we'd already instituted a new joint checking account with a local bank, and we were planning on cancelling my wife's account this month, and mine sometime.  Guess that sometime is now.

But, you know?  I've had that account for 30 years.  Going to feel a little strange not to have it any more.


genderist said...

Get a new pack of pens; you'll be just fine.

Cerulean Bill said...

But...but I used that pen in high school!