Thursday, September 08, 2011

Weird Thought

How could dishwashers be integrated into the 'wired household'?

For example: several colleges offer the service with their community washing machines that the device will page or text you when your wash is done. (Each college that mentioned this seemed to think they were unique in this regard.)

How could a dishwasher incorporate this kind of thought? Notification when done hardly matters when its your own washer -- heck, let the dishes sit in there for the next three days -- but is there something that could be done to improve the dishwashing experience?

Just wondering....


genderist said...

We didn't have communal dish washers when I was in college. The Hater had a fancy apartment-dorm, but they didn't have one either.

Cerulean Bill said...

Well, true. I was really thinking about ones in private homes. What could they be made to do that they don't do now?