Wednesday, March 11, 2009


As the mantra of much of Bush's term was Too Little, Too Late, the comment that I see on occasion for Obama's term is Too Much, Too Soon. The concept is that you can only focus on three or four things at once; fewer if they're more complex. Our experience is that one, possibly two at a time is the most we can reasonably expect. Certainly, that was true of the prior occupant.

But this isn't the prior occupant. It's a smarter, more agile, more focused, more energized one. My feeling is that it is not TMTS; it is pretty much the right amount, in pretty much the right time. As lethargic and ornery as the gummint can be, you have to hit it multiple times and in multiple places to get it to move. The best time to do that is when you have a lot of political capital, as the former occupant effectively said. That time is now.

Is he doing it exactly right? Probably not. And big stakes will translate into big errors, sometimes. Taking it slow, in my opinion, would translate into smaller but more broadly based ones. I don't want to overlook or apologise missteps, but, overall, I feel that alacrity and scope are better than caution and prudence.


Unknown said...

I certainly feel that the rest of us have to keep up with him! The man's a dynamo.

It really is a contrast with Bush. Where we didn't see Bush for decades on end, this guy is on the TV so much he needs his own show!

And yes, there will be mistakes - but he's shown a remarkable ability to acknowledge them. Remarkable in that he's a politician, and they usually don't make mistakes, but they do correct their course, etc. :-)

Carolyn Ann

Cerulean Bill said...

I recall reading that while it's good that he has bright people around him, it was bright people who got us into Vietnam. I don't think it was just that, but the thought gives me pause. Bright people need leashes, too. So long as he keeps hold of those leashes, and keeps his eye on his goals, I think he'll do okay. Team of Rivals, et al.