Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Worried Democrats

I heard that some Democrats were getting worried, and I thought how can that be, when Obama is so far ahead?

And then I saw this, and this.

How can people -- presumably intelligent, presumably coherent -- make that choice? Do they LIKE the way things are going? Do they really not see how McCain is Four More Years of Bush's war policies, his economic policies, his spying policies? Do they honestly think that doing things the same way will make their lives better? Do they honestly believe that cutting taxes for the rich will help them? Do they really not understand that honorable service in the military, or time spent in wretched confinement as a prisoner of war, does not automatically translate to capability in politics? Does youth and energy and intelligence scare them more now than it did when Kennedy ran for office?

Good god. Obama's not perfect, but he's so much better, in so many ways -- how can they not see that?
Update: I need to understand my blind spots better, I think.

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