Saturday, August 09, 2008


Weird dreams last night.

Part of them, I was some kind of babysitter, or nanny, but the family had really no need of one. The biggest single thing I remember was going to their refrigerator to get my cell phone -- doesn't everyone keep their cell phone in the freezer to preserve the batteries? Inside an ice-cube tray that seals with a blue plastic lid? Phone and all? -- and being amazed at the Tardis-like size of their freezer -- so big that I couldn't easily reach the back of it.

And then there was a desolate city that had been through some kind of Armageddon, possibly still going on -- a dangerous place, with crumbled buildings here and roaming feral animals there -- wondering how I was ever going to get this college registration done.

I've really got to stop eating popcicles and anchovies before going to sleep!

You'd think I'd at least dream about the woman I saw at the supermarket yesterday -- as I told my wife, I'd never actually seen someone befoe with Daisy Dukes so tight they appeared to have been tattooed on her butt -- bringing the old joke to mind about the guy in the bar meeting the woman in the skintight leather pants --but noooo.....

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