Friday, February 29, 2008

Life, The Universe, and...

Had an odd thought today.

I read recently of something called the Global Conciousness Project . It uses random number generators to - tada- generate streams of random numbers, which are then archived and correlated. Every so often, the expected stream values change, sometimes dramatically. And when they do, sometimes they change in advance of a major event. Such as, 911. Or the last series of Asian tsunamis. It's given rise to some thought of a 'global subconciousness' that might be able to affect these generators. It's been called the beginning of being able to see into the future. I know: right.

I thought today of my friend who died about seven years ago, and how she believed in reincarnation. And I found myself wondering: what if reincarnation did exist, and what you are becomes part of that global subconcious when you die? From which, you eventually get -- reconstituted? You know: reincarnated?



Unknown said...

Even though I don't believe it, I find the whole concept fascinating.
I'd like to believe there is something out there that can't be seen or really understood by the science, maybe some day.
Oh the big questions of life, I think about them far too often, but how can one not? All we have is the here and now.

Cerulean Bill said...

You don't believe in what - reincarnation? It spooks me -- I find myself thinking 'how can I get out of this loop, I don't want to go there!' For a while, a few years ago, I thought about it a lot -- and literally lost sleep over it. I'm not proposing to start again, but the idea of it being a planetary consciousness -- hmmm....

Unknown said...

Yeah I don't really believe in reincarnation. I've already lost enough sleep over the thought of death, its not pleasant.
The idea of planetary consciousness makes some sort of sense, the idea makes me feel more connected to everyone. I don't know, just so many possibilities.