Friday, August 31, 2007


I tend to look at a lot of web sites that are oriented toward photography, and a fair number of those are erotic photography -- of which a small subset is out-and-out porn. Most are not. (I know: Subset -- yeah, right!)

I don't find a lot of sites that talk about the techniques used in photography, though, and thats really what I want to know. Nekkid wimmen? You bet -- but, um, how did you get that lighting? How did that pose evolve? Did you take fifty, of which this is the best, or five, or aim for just this specific one? How much input did you get from the model, if you used one? And where did you get that backdrop, anyway? Not too many sites talk about that side of photography. It's usually just: Here's my pictures, what do you think, if you want to hire me, give me a call.

All of this is a lead in to mentioning Marcus Ranum's site. I like his approach, and I like his imagery. It's thoughtful.

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