Sunday, January 06, 2019

The Return

Today, the French kid, who was here for only two weeks this time, returned to France.   We discovered two things:

First, she's really in love with the local guy that she met last year.  Like, really.

Second, that the local guy's mother is telling him slow down, take your time,  think about the logistics, think about where you see this relatiionship in two years.I like this woman.  

Okay, I'm still envious of the kid - and yes, I know how pathetic that souunds - and his advantages -- good looking, money in the family, and now a hyper-cute  if not downright sexy,  smart French girlfriend, too??? - but his mother's attitude counts for a lot.  Which is weird, because, hey, it's not my daughter heading into this.  But still - it does.  So I'm glad for her.

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