Thursday, October 25, 2018


When your wife goes to the local doc to investigate a random recurring pain.... and they recommend a quick mammogram.... and you do searches on LEFT BREAST RANDOM PAIN and find all that it could be - including but not limited to cancer -- that's scary.

Finding out that the mammogram and ultrasound showed nothing abnormal was a relief.


Tabor said...

Thank goodness. We all have faced something ximilR. But remember that ecen a scary diagnosis can have a good ending.

Cerulean Bill said...

I would not say that I have 'become woke', if for no other reason than that I think that's a facile phrase, the equivilent of saying Why yes, I support breast cancer survivors, don't you see my pink ribbon? But it certainly is eye opening. Gave me a chance to think about whats most important to me.

RozWarren said...

My sister had a dicey mammogram, with a follow up MRI that led to a cancer diagnosis. This was a year ago and with treatment she is currently cancer free. We both have a genetic mutation that increases our risk. (Not the Angelina Jolie gene -- another one.) It is important to remain vigilant -- I'm glad that your wife followed up rather than just ignoring the pain and I am happy that she hasn't got cancer.

Cerulean Bill said...

That (pun intended) is what SHE said. And we're happy, too. Thank you.

Margaret Hooper: [the Surgeon General is waiting with Margaret outside Leo's office] Red meat has been found to cause cancer in white rats. Maraschino cherries have been found to cause cancer in white rats. Cellular phones have been found to cause cancer in white rats. Has anyone examined the possibility that cancer might be hereditary in white rats?

Surgeon General Millicent Griffith: Let me tell you something, I'm not a hundred percent sure we've ruled that out.