Monday, February 24, 2003

Some startling news in the paper today -- one good, one not so good.

The good: In the middle of the mess at Duke University regarding the transplant error, one surgeon has accepted fault for his part in the process that resulted in the girl's death. He assumed that an organ agency would have confirmed the recipient's blood type, which, in fact they did not. I am impressed by that acceptance. I don't know if he is taking the quick way out, but I would like to think that he is doing the honorable thing. It's been a while since I've seen anyone doing the honorable thing, so I don't really recognize it any more -- but I think this is what it looks like.

The not-so-good: The inventor of the Segway scooter says that he needs governmental assistance to make his scooter profitable, and he's hiring politically-connected follks to push the idea. This sort of bushwah is why its a lot easier to recognize the dishonorable in our society. At what point would he say 'no more goverment help, thanks' -- when the profits roll in? Reprehensible.

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