Thursday, February 02, 2017


After dreaming about Trump (whom I detest with the fury of a thousand suns) last night, I spent today studiously skipping any mention of him.  I can't continue -- the fight against him, his stupidity, and his bigotry must continue in each of us -- but I do feel better.

The chocolate egg cream I just made, helped.


Tabor said...

As many have said this is a marathon and not a sprint. Do not give up the battle. Write letters, checks, make phone calls.

Cerulean Bill said...

I think I need to find a local support group.

Tabor said...

There are two local ones in my area that communicate through FB and I was just invited by friends to join. You might want to research that.

Cerulean Bill said...

I did, in fact. There's one specifically for Pennsylvania, and two general interest ones. I am in all three. I briefly considered inviting my conservative contact to join, and then thought What could POSSIBLY happen that would be good? [crickets]