Monday, December 21, 2015


Having a piping bag blow off its coupler, thus spreading under-pressure dough everywhere, is dramatic but not actually as much fun as one might expect.


Tabor said...

Ben there and done that enough times!

Cerulean Bill said...

On the plus side, I got to then spread the batter just like a three year old would!

RozWarren said...

I am very happy that I have no idea what you're talking about.

Cerulean Bill said...

Ever eaten a cream puff pastry? The shell is technically called a patè à choux, and you start to make it by putting a glob of batter on a cookie sheet. The batter can just be dumped on the cookie sheet, as I ended up doing, or you can use what is essentially a caulking gun to squirt it onto the cookie sheet. Once its there, you heat it, which causes it to expand into a hollow shell, so that you have room to put in the filling.