Wednesday, October 09, 2013


Bizarre morning.  Conversation with a friend in Lille, could not get the pc to connect with a video session, found out it was because her status was set to Offline, and apparently Skype says well then clearly you don't want to connect to them!  So we just talked, verbally, for a while.   Then I got an urgent Skype call from my daughter, who wanted to know if she should trust the guy who looked at her foot after she broke it, because he said I see your xray from today and honestly I don't see any difference from a month ago.  So we discussed how to find a different ortho surgeon for a second opinion....and halfway through Skype just shut down, so I called her, and discussed the surgeon, who is in town, not at the school -- but dad I don't have a car how would I get there? Take a taxi. How do I do that??? So after that call I figured I'd better restart the PC before my next conversation, only Windows said oh, good, I have 27 updates to install, here we go! So the other conversation was via my small tablet, giving a kind of strange image to the other person because the camera is off-center....

And then this afternoon I have to go and try to motivate the mento.  Hoo, boy.

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