Thursday, December 08, 2011


Virginia Tech is the alternate school that we'd like our daughter to consider. When we heard the news today, we both thought maybe a small school in a little town isn't such a bad thing....


Tabor said...

Virginia Tech is an excellent school. I think this is an aberration and not really related to the prior tragedy. Of course, many parents will not agree with me.

Cerulean Bill said...

I believe it is an excellent school. I'm sure it's not related. But that doesn't make it any less scary.

Cerulean Bill said...

And I'll go further -- I can easily see an article about some guy going nuts in a small town, killing people in this small town's small college, isn't it horrible, well, what do you expect, the deep of Vermont, middle of winter, all of that.

Still: it DID happen here. Which is a point against them, in my heart.