Friday, January 23, 2009

Plane Truth

There's something about old military aircraft that appeals to me. I once spent about two hours wandering around an aircraft graveyard near Tucson, looking at SuperConstellations like the ones I used to work on when I was young and limber, wondering: Did I touch this one? Did I work on this guy's radios? Every so often I opened the compartment where the flight manual was, down on the nose wheel, and one would still be there, waiting. It touched me, no kidding.

Even things like this, I like.

I just like old aircraft.


Unknown said...

I've always been fascinated by planes and old planes too.
Have you ever seen 'Empire of the Sun'? Well the main character in the movie is obsessed and the first time he comes across a crashed aircraft he is just mesmerized by it. I love that scene, something about it resonates.

Cerulean Bill said...

I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it. I'll make a note to get it, though. Thanks.