Saturday, November 08, 2008

Are We There Yet?

So, its been four days.

I've seen articles saying that this is great, the millennium has come, peace and joy shall spread through the world. I've seen articles saying this is great, but it should have happened decades ago, and anyway there's still lots of intolerance and injustice in the world; what's Obama going to do about that? I've seen articles that say that Sarah Palin is clearly the future of the Republican party, and others that say she's the reason McCain lost. I just saw one that says Gingrich is the only one who can unite the party.

We surely do love our fast fixes, in this country.


STAG said...

Perhaps Mr. McCain's decision for running mate would have made more sense a few years ago when the economic situation was more stable and the political situation was more volatile.
Now it seems that it is the other way around, and the "great protector" has been given his walking papers in preference to the economic guru. I just wonder if Mr. Obama really can pull the economic rabbit out his hat.
Those of us who didnt have any say in the matter are now waiting with bated breath to see just how screwed we are going to be. I do see that since the election was decided, the Canadian dollar has slipped by nearly 25% on world markets. Co-incidence? Hmmmm. And the US dollar slipped by about 8% or so.

Cerulean Bill said...

I think she was a good choice in visible respects; it was when they went beyond the visible that she faltered. I didn't care for her attitudes, and I despised her rabble-rousing. She polluted the image of Republicans, in my mind, but others feel differently. I expect to see her again, though I don't expect her to be a leading contender. Then again, I didn't expect Kerry, last time, or McCain, this time.

I don't think that deregulation is inherently any better or worse than regulation; both can go to extremes, and both can have seriously adverse effects on the economy. You have to start with what you think you need to do, and work from there. I do not expect economic miracles from Obama, for all that he hung out with the University of Chicago (Milton Friedman's old haunt) people. I think he'll channel FDR a lot.

And though I ought to be alarmed, I do like the current price of gas. We still use the Prius a lot, though.

L. said...

I love how one blog begets another blog and so forth and so on....I came upon your comments on Tabor's blog...and, I have to tell you...I love your posts! What a great mix of warmth and humor with some common sense thrown in.

I'll be back. : )

Cerulean Bill said...

Common sense? Moi? Hardly ever....