Thursday, June 28, 2007


So, if the Congress does issue 'contempt of Congress' citations against Bush and his crew ... then what?

Well, what does it even mean? From Wikipedia:

Contempt of Congress is the act of obstructing the work of the United States Congress or one of its committees. While historically the bribery of a Senator or Representative was considered "contempt of Congress," in modern times a person must refuse to comply with a subpoena issued by a Congressional committee or subcommittee - usually seeking to compel either testimony or documents - in order to be considered in "contempt of Congress."

I guess that qualifies, insofar as the Chief Executive said thats just what he intends to do. So, he gets a citation. And then?

Well, if it were issued against me, I imagine I'd be taking up residence in the House of Many Doors, fairly soon. But somehow, I doubt that the Bushster and Tricky Dick will be heading down to the Heartbreak Hotel, delightful as the thought of Cheney in cuffs is. So, other than once again displaying his contempt of what Congress wants, which hardly needs to be certified -- so what? What does this change? Whats the net effect?

I do think a president has a right to secrecy. Even Bush. I suspect that if he hadn't been so hardnosed before, he might not be in this predicament now. Course, if you follow that logic, we might not be in Iraq, either.


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